Tuesday, 25 September 2012

What is dripper for automatic garden watering system at home or office garden?


Dripper is used for automatic watering system in home garden or office garden. And it is used for flowerpots. Dripper is water gate with very small home for water flower. It is connected with end of hose, and hose is connected between dripper in flowerpot and watering output of pump. Pump can be replaced with electrical water valve.


Hobbiest about farm or garden can install automatic garden watering system with dripper.


Pro DIY QUBVY is a Controller to DIY automatic garden watering system easily, and Pro DIY QUBVY package includes all basic accessories to install automatic garden watering system.

How to diy automatic sprikler system for fresh vegetable kitchen garden !


How to diy automatic sprikler system for fresh vegetable kitchen garden !


Automatic watering system with sprinkler is convenient for growing vegetable at home mini farm or kitchen garden. Many hobbiest use it. Pro DIY QUBVY package is good and easy to install automatic watering system.


Vegetable in home mini farm or kitchen garden is good for wellbeing  and fresh. And it give you pleasure about growing and getting much vegetable from nature.


Try to make your farm!!

Sprinkler watering for growing eggplant vegetable ~


Eggplant is great vegetable for home farm or kitchen garden. But it requires much water and you should supply water to it every day. It can be difficult to supply water at many case.


But you can supply water with Pro DIY QUBVY package and Electrical Valve for running water. They are used to install automatic garden watering system in farm or garden.


You can install with various sprinkler or dripper or hose, and multiple watering actuator like pump or electrical valve.

How to install Sprinkler in watering system!


Pro DIY QUBVY package is best choice for automatic watering for vegetable kitchen garden or home mini garden.

Tomato is good to grow in warm season~


Tomato is good to grow in Kitchen garden or home mini farm or city farm.

But it grows well in warm season.

You can get many tomatos that are fresh and organic at home.

Eggplant is good for vegetable kitchen garden!!


Eggplant is good for vegetable kitchen garden or farm.

You can get continuosly many fruits.

I recommand!!