Thursday, 30 June 2011

Radish vegetable cultivate and environment condition

Radish vegetable

1. ① Foreign kkoturiyong (var. caudatus Hook. F. et Andersen, English name, rat-tailed radish)
■ The length of the pod reaches 20 ~ 60 ㎝. India, and Thailand has grown.
2. ② Foreign Oil (var. chinensis Gall.)
■ without rhizomes, two non-seed oil, which contains a lot of them
3. ③ black fog (var. niger S. Kern.)
■ rhizomes, and the non-Shin  had a jacket is black.
4. ④ 20 day fog (var. sativa : R. sativa var. Radicula Pers.)
■ rhizomes, and the diameter of the non-1 ~ 3 ㎝, length 2 ~ 10 ㎝. Incubation of the reddish purple or white.
5. ⑤ teoleopneun fog (var. glabrifolia Kitam.)
■ Shin-resistant rootstock and has a non-. Leaves are colorless (no color) and is polished
6. ⑥ ilyeop fog (var. nonpinnatus L. H. Bailey)
■ Leaves duwoosangyigeona gyeolgak less.
7. ⑦ red fog (var. stipilata Kitam.: Chinese radish), and heating bills leaves the idol is a red sphere.
8. ⑧ fog (var. hortensis Baker : R. sativus var. Longipinnatus LH Bailey, R. sativus var. Acanthiformis Makino) leaves the idol, and heating in Korea, Japan, in China This is the most common type grown is meaningless.
• growing trendBite, the main ingredient of kimchi cabbage with cultivated since ancient times in Korea was
• physiological ecological characteristics
◦ physiological characteristicsCrop adaptation to cool climate and cold take a strong nor desirable, 0 ℃ Although the damage in the leaves it vulnerable to the fat geunbuneun Sea. Bite, take a cool climate, and cold-adapted crops hayeoon strong nor desirable, 0 ℃ easy trying to get in the East Sea of Korea -1 ~ 12 ℃ of flower bud differentiation at low temperatures which occur during the induction of seed vernalization and the 5 ~ 7 ℃ hyeonginde jeokon approximately 10 days leave from the flower bud differentiation, and then by a hot sheet is facilitated by bolting.Muay flower bud low temperature, it makes a long time to beach and sea conditions is essential when two duyoinyi flower bud the possibility of simultaneously promoting jakyongdoel Haevichi make you a long time at low temperatures larger than the condition is affected.
• cultivation
◦ House Select varieties for cultivation
■ yakgwanghaeseo low growth of the roots of two jaldoemyeo enlargement will stand out
■ bolting the stable late fall varieties DAE
■ chohyeong is the foray, the receiver has low yeopjang short of leaves have higher rates of
■ geunpi clean and famine, the enemy will occur yeolgeun
■ dense in texture and stronger transport resistance will keep the freshness in transit
■ House inner strength to withstand the high temperatures, even though meat is clean and strong roots and be easily enlarged - the wind was a steady harvest of that period, the width of the wider
■ mu and a high uniformity of the market's high palatability
■ strong varietal disease resistance
• the value and efficacy of foodThe roots and leaves, used to bite, but most of the use of roots and leaves of various minerals and nutrients such as vitamins, spinach roots equally high but not high.Roots, which contains several digestive enzymes, Dia-star Ajay (Diastase) are contained there will help with digestion.Eat radishes, sweet smell that sweet ingredients it is because many, many hot because sulfur compounds.If the non-unique trim saengmureul eat, but mostly it's an unpleasant smell mechilmereukaeptan (methylmercaptan) is due to the organic compounds.

◦ English name: Radish
◦ Dictionary name: Raphanus sativus L

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