Wednesday 17 August 2011

Dry climate

Trees can not grow due to lack of moisture of climate. Wet or dry of climate is  determined by difference between the amount of rainfall and the possibility of evaporation.

Prolonged lack of moisture in the forest land to grow well because it makes plain or a desert, dry, desert climate and grasslands, depending on the severity of the climate can be divided into:

In the arid region occupies about 30% of the total area, mainly under the control of mid-latitude high-pressure units in the distribution of the regression line close to the inside of a Central Asia and the North American continent north latitude 50. To have spread.

Typically, the summer temperature variability and the annual range of large and high daytime temperatures. Many irregular shape of the convective rainfall horyuga, and changes in precipitation are much larger than the wet climate.

The amount of rainfall is high in The low latitudes in the summer, and it is high in high latitudes in winter.

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